Candles have a long and intriguing history. Candles have been used for ceremonial in practically every religion, in addition to lighting houses, assisting travellers at night, and honouring those who have died.
Various varieties of non-wicked and wicked candles were produced by early civilizations utilising a variety of waxes derived from accessible animals, plants, and insects. Candle popularity soared in the 1990s, resulting in the development of new types of candle waxes for the first time in a century.
A candle is so much more than a fragrant decor piece. A candle is multiple things: an object of expression, a time machine, and a therapeutic tool.
That is correct. According to studies, the mental health advantages of smoking candles are genuine.
Candles release smells that elicit distinct emotional responses in the mind and body.
The study used an electroencephalograph to measure brain activity “It has been demonstrated that candle scents considerably alter the activities of distinct brain waves and are responsible for varied brain states. Furthermore, several scientific investigations have validated the therapeutic use of several fragrant herbs in aromatherapy.”
Though it is no longer a cultural need, living by candlelight in the evenings is beneficial for quieting the mind and providing the eyes with a much-needed digital respite.
Mental Health + Candles
We can regulate the energy of our thinking and the pace of our environment by bringing fragrances and notes into our area.
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Here are a few reasons to maintain lighting candles as a sensory kind of mental health therapy:
1. Produces Ambiance
Candles change the way we feel in space by changing the ambience with aroma. Lighting a candle for meditation, a bath, a date, or any other objective is a popular way to create an atmosphere everywhere.
2. Relaxes The Mind
Floral and herbal smells, such as geranium, lavender, and peppermint, are effective in the treatment of a variety of psychological and physiological illnesses when burned in aromatherapeutic candles. Candles for anxiety and despair are very popular.
3. Benefits Mood
With the capacity to reduce cortisol, scented candles can create calm and aid to alleviate stress symptoms. Certain candles are designed to stimulate brain chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine, which promote a pleasant mood.
4. Improves Memory
Specific fragrances in candles can increase brain memory. The limbic system is the area of the brain responsible for memory and emotion. According to The researches, scent, emotion, and memory are inextricably linked.
5. Promotes Healthy Sleep
Candlelight nights are extremely important for preserving normal sleep patterns in the twenty-first century. Limiting blue light by unplugging from electronics at a certain time each day is part of proper sleep hygiene.
6. Ensures Consistency
Candle burning may become a personal practice for committing to introspection and relaxation. Candles, according to psychologists, have a favourable influence on mental health and may be combined with other wellness activities such as writing and practising yoga by candlelight.