Trick Head Insight – CHP insider

No matter how hard you try to deny it, Bow Tie racers often find themselves facing 5-point-slow Mustangs and are surprised to learn that they can be quite fast. There’s a good chance that their 302s were equipped with Trick Flow heads to make them run with the larger 350ci competitors. Although Trick Flow was originally designed for the dark side of the market and gained a reputation as a vehicle that could deliver exceptional out-of-the-box performance, it has since been able to bring the same venerable formula in budget-friendly horsepower to the Chevy faithful. Today, the company sells a variety of cylinder heads for both small-block Chevys and all four generations. Trick Flow has a diverse product range that includes small-block heads in raised-runner 23 degrees, big-block heads in oval and rectangular ports, as well as castings of 265cc LSx castings.


Trick Flow heads helped many Camaros, Novas, and other muscle cars stomp Blue Ovals every day. The company was founded in 1983 with the now-legendary A460 Ford heads. The A460 heads were a game-changer for big-block Ford lovers at a time when Chryslers and big-block Chevys dominated the racetracks. They opened the doors to Trick Flow’s 25-year history of innovation and performance. The company soon realized the need for low-cost, high-quality cylinder heads to fit small-block Chevys and created a set of castings in 195cc with Kenny Duttweiler.

It was involved with the GM LS engines platform. Our 13.5-degree heads can be fully CNC-ported using 205- to 215- or 225-, 235–, or 245cc intake runner.” Trick Flow is a manufacturer of high-performance cylinder heads for everything, from a hydraulic flat tappet, pump gas 283 to a blown 7-second monster big-block such as the one Denny Terzichs’ 67 Camaro won at Hot Rod Drag Week 2007. We will constantly innovate, test, improve, and improve our products to ensure they are the best.

AS -Cast Power

Trick Flow heads Australia are known for their exceptional performance, which is not something that happened by accident. Trick Flow uses a proprietary process called Fast As Cast to create as-cast cylinder heads. This allows Trick Flow to offer performance that is very similar to CNC-ported heads but for a lot lower price. We start with one of our CNC-ported cylinder heads, then we make intake and exhaust ports tooling based on the port forms.

Trick Flow also offers fully CNC-machined versions of several of its cylinder head models. This allows for greater power and lowers costs. We use two Superflow 901 engine dynos in the house to aid in R&D. This allows us to examine several ports and chamber designs before putting a cylinder head into production. We compare virtually every cylinder head on the market to evaluate their quality and see what we can improve upon them. Performance enthusiasts will appreciate the competition in their industry. It encourages them to continuously improve and maintain affordability.

Flowbench vs. Dyno

A flow bench, like our CFD software (Computational Fluid Dynamics), is a powerful tool. Some flow benches are capable of measuring airflow as well as air swirls and tumble. But what does this mean? One example is a head that runs like a dog when it comes to low and middle lifts but flows well at peak speeds. Ahead with lower peak numbers and excellent low and middle lift will defeat the lazy head on a dyno. CFD and flow bench software are good places for starting, but the dynos must be used to confirm their findings. Therefore, the dyno lets us look objectively at combinations.