Health and your Inner Teacher

Who are your most influential teachers as you look back on your life? What did these teachers do to influence your life? How have they changed it for the better. Teachers are more than just math, science, and literature. You will always be inspired by them, and they can spark something deeper and more lasting. You may not be aware of another teacher in your life. Your inner teacher is your key to achieving your goals.

Learning is key to good health. You will learn more about yourself and the lifestyle habits that promote health. You also learn another thing. What you learn about yourself, your personality, and how you deal with challenges is what will help you get to the next step on your path to good health. Health is more than a healthy diet, exercise, or sleeping schedule. Your journey to health is unique and reflects your life experiences.

It can be difficult to bring out your inner teacher and learn more about your health. It can be difficult to accept that you are not perfect, even though everyone wants to believe so. This means accepting that you are not perfect and that there is still much to learn. It requires the realization that medications and doctor visits are not enough to keep you healthy. Recognizing that you as a person are essential to your health takes courage and honesty.

You can discover your mental-emotional and physical health by calling upon your inner teacher. Ask yourself whether there are any societal or personal expectations that you are not meeting and are negatively impacting your health. It is possible to examine whether a part of your history has an unfair impact on your health or who you are today. To determine if your relationships with others and yourself are supportive or detrimental to your health, you can examine them. It is possible to observe how stress and emotions are managed and determine if your current approach can be improved for better health.

Teachers are able to push you beyond your comfort zone, and also support you in the times of discomfort. It can be uncomfortable to get healthier. Your body and mind are used for what they do every day, which is homeostasis. They can maintain healthy states, but also have unbalanced states. Your inner teacher must push you to change unhealthy habits and help you become healthier. Your inner teacher must also be patient and help you get through difficult transitions. 

What have you done recently to awaken your inner teacher and help you get on the path to better health? It’s OK if it has been awhile since you listened to your inner guide. You can always turn to your inner teacher when you feel stuck or neglected. Your inner teacher deserves the same respect as any other important teacher in your life.

Begin the autumn season by asking the following questions to encourage your inner teacher.

1) What are my current strengths in health?

2) What are the weaker areas of my health?

3) What steps can I take to improve my health today, without focusing too much upon the future or the past?

4) What are my current obstacles to good health?

5) How can my inner teacher express itself and help my health?

If you are open to asking these questions, your body and mind will naturally decide which direction you should go. You’ll discover new information about your health and ways to support it by listening to your inner teacher. You’ll also be inducted into the hall of great teachers.